Monday, March 22, 2010

No milk in tea please - Milk in tea may remove some of the heart health effects of black tea

Adding milk to tea totally wipes out the protective effect it has on the heart and blood vessels according to research published by the European Heart Journal.

According to the studies undertaken by scientists in Germany, black tea significantly improves the ability of the arteries to relax and expand. However, upon adding milk to black tea, the milk proteins counter this ability.

Experiments were carried out using laboratory rats and humans, measuring the endothelial function of the brachial artery before and after tea consumption.

Dr Verena Stangl, Professor of Cardiology (Molecular Atherosclerosis) at the hospital, explained “There is a broad body of evidence from experimental and clinical studies indicating that tea exerts antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effects, thereby protecting against cardiovascular diseases. As worldwide tea consumption is second only to that of water, its beneficial effects represent an important public health issue.”


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